Kandice's profile


   My name is Kandice Suane Barros Ribeiro and I am 18 years old. I have a brother and a sister who
are 13 and 12 years older than me, respectively. We were born in Natal and our parents are from different cities. I am an extrovert person with those I know. I always look for respecting the others and to be responsible with my commitments, mainly concerning time. I’m a little bit perfectionists and a leader in all that I do.
   Regarding my formation, since I was in high school, I enjoyed studying almost all subjects that made up my mind to start a course in the technological area like Science and Technology Bachelor at UFRN which has a wide area of knowledge and research possibilities. Nowadays, I am still studying in this course and I’m really enchanted with the academic world.
   Since the end of the 1st period until now I have been involved in an undergraduate research project in Mechanical Engineering area. One of this project’s goals is the synthesis of better lubricant from chemically modified vegetable oils to make them suitable and efficient to use. Besides, I also have some thoughts and curiosities that direct me towards the mechatronic engineering career or research.  
   I also hope to study abroad soon and continue with my academic plans of doing a postgraduate and follow one of the careers I want and I wish to help those who need. Likewise, it is my passion and my pleasure when I’m studying and researching. It is like when I’m practicing one of my hobbies, such as playing guitar, violin, and, also, I enjoy going to the cinema. 
   Moreover, I also feel really good when I’m playing Badminton. I always have this pleasure with sports’ practice and when I am traveling. One of my goals is to travel around the world to meet new people and cultures as much I can.


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